Return of Free In-Flight Meals & Snacks for Business Travellers

Remember the good old days, when you got a full three course dinner on your flight, or at least a pack of pretzels or peanuts?

Those times died away around ten years ago and as a result, travel became a little less interesting and sometimes a lot more challenging.

However, as the airline industry bounces back and returns from the disruption caused by the growth of low cost air carriers, things could be changing in terms of catering at least.

Over the last year, some airlines have started again to offer complimentary breakfast, lunch or dinner on select flights and it looks like that trend is set to continue.

In March Delta started offering free meals in the main cabin across a number of its domestic routes. Most of them were longer journeys, but the most recent Orlando, Fla., and Raleigh-Durham, N.C could be an indicator that this is moving to shorter flights.

The airline has also reinvigorated its snack offerings to include gluten free and healthy options and will be changing its makeup twice a year.

American Airlines has been trialling complimentary meals across some of its domestic routes and United rolled out free snacks in Latin America and admitted early this year that they are likely to follow Delta’s catering lead.

While this move towards placing an emphasis on food and catering has started in the American market, it is likely that if it takes hold, travellers in the UK and Europe will begin to see similar schemes launched by local airlines also. Watch this space!

Beyond Business Travel experts are happy to advise you on the best airline, price and perks for your journey if you book through us. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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