Beyond Business Travel Sponsor NI Chamber Learn Grow Excel Conference

Beyond Business Travel were delighted to be involved in the 2017 Learn Grow Excel Conference with Northern Ireland Chamber this month.

As one of the event’s supporting sponsors, we were on hand to help Northern Irish companies grasp opportunities around globalisation and to explore their ability to export.

More than 200 businesses, from e-commerce, innovation, logistics and the business travel sector, attended. They were each provided with the chance to meet buyers, learn from local and national companies and business leaders who enjoy export success, develop growth potential and expand their networks.

Shauna Burns Learn Grow Excel NI Chamber

Entrepreneurs and those interested in growing their business overseas took part in workshops and had one to one consultations with representatives from South East Asia, Russia, US, UAE, Africa, CEE and the Philippines.

Beyond Business Travel’s Commercial and Strategy Director, Shauna Burns explained how our company can make the process of globalisation easier by facilitating seamless business travel. She said:

“Our business is a strategic management travel company. Our aim is that people can be the best they can be, no matter where they are at in the world. We want people and export companies to go out into the global marketplace and focus on their business and let us sort the business travel out. From the booking, to understanding visa requirements, getting there for your flight early, right through to driving value out of your travel budget.”

Watch a video from the event below:

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