The Changing Landscape of Travel Expenses

Barclaycard has released the findings of their survey into business travel expenses, as part of 50th year anniversary celebrations for their first business credit card.

The report makes interesting reading and major shifts have occurred in the last few decades, particularly in the area of corporate and client entertainment.


Business Travel Expenses – The Changes

Many respondents have noted a change in the process of expense claiming, with 36% saying that it’s becoming more form, while 32% say the number of eligible items is decreasing.

This may be the reason then that only 10% of respondents say they often claim for dinner with a client, compared to 34% who did so in the 1960s.

7% of employees submitted claims for client drinks in 2018. 27% claimed in the 80s.

In the 80s and 90s more than half of business travellers claimed for hotel costs, today that figure has fallen to 25%.

In the 90s and 00s 19% of respondents claimed for airfare, in 2018 the number was 12%.

What Corporate Travellers Want

Technological changes are fuelling travellers wants and needs. With so much of life being managed by the tap of a button or screen, people now want their expense process to be just as easy.

30% of people would like access to an app that can help them pay business costs and then automatically log the necessary information.

26% want the ability to photograph or scan a receipt, which would then be logged and processed as part of their claim.

Beyond Business Travel are Listening!

All our clients have access to a cutting edge travel and expense solution. The app can be loaded onto travellers phones and used to book travel. Later they can scan receipts and submit expenses claims in seconds.

Back in the office, Finance Managers have full visibility and can run in-depth reports into spend and other compliance matters.

If you’d like to save money on your next trip, while getting the best technology and support the travel industry has to offer, contact us via form below and we can arrange a demonstration.


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