COVID-19 Global Travel Restrictions

Travel restrictions globally are changing day by day by the COVID-19 pandemic and as restrictions change we want to keep you informed.

Board conversations will eventually move to restart. We want you to have the information so you can make decisions to keep travelers safe when they eventually travel and to keep you informed about your global locations.


How business travel will look is still being influenced by the science. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) published a list of guidelines airlines should follow to protect passengers and crew from contracting the illness. IATA’s guidelines, which are not mandatory for airlines to follow, cover a range of measures such as screening passengers for fevers, equipping cabin crew with surgical or medical protective masks, and routinely disinfecting aircraft.The links below will give you more information on country restrictions and an updated COVID-19 dashboard.  If you need help revising travel policy or need advice on any aspect of your travel program please get in touch.

COVID-19 Dashboard

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