Five Tech Trends that will impact Corporate Travel in 2020

Today it is a necessity to evolve from traditional approaches to continue to provide the highest-quality travel experiences as businesses need smarter business travel, through open and connected technology.

At Beyond Business Travel we know businesses need solutions to decrease travel spend, manage costs efficiently and provide travelling employees with the best experience – one that resembles what they get when they travel for leisure.

Amadeus, one of the Top 10 software companies in the world with a Customer Advisory Board which Beyond Business Travel is a member, spoke to several industry leaders to understand which technology trends they think will have a significant impact on corporate travel over the next year.

  1. Voice Interaction

Talking is the most natural form of communication for humans and we are seeing a major shift happening between human and computer interaction, particularly in Asia Pacific. This will enable businesses to have quicker access to traveller profiles, real-time alerts and in-flight amenities checks within a single natural sentence instead of multiple screens.

2. Duty of Care

Employers have a legal and ethical duty of care to their employees, which means they should take all reasonable steps to ensure employees’ health, safety and well-being. On top of that, it has been proven that happier, well-rested and healthy business travellers are more productive, more present, more likely to maintain strong relationships with their clients and suppliers, and more likely to stay with their employers.

3. The rise of ‘Super-apps’

The ‘one-app/ super-app’ concept is something very appealing for the corporate traveller, giving them the ability to book, make changes, get an itinerary, claim expenses – all on one single app. It is one of the top trends.

Beyond Business Travel provide clients with use of applications to make the management of their trip a smooth and seamless process, and we have big plans to enhance this service further in 2020.

  1. 5G

Thanks to the increased speed and amount of data, there will be more advanced connected devices and increased personalization through Artificial Intelligence.

The frictionless experience will continue at their hotel with 5G smart hotels – offering faster connection speeds for smartphones and connected devices. With 5G, the end traveller is going to be better connected than ever before making travel that bit more productive.

  1. Security with a seamless travel experience

Maximum security doesn’t always mean a smooth travel experience. One trend to look out for in the future is how the travel industry will master security alongside a seamless travel experience.
Innovation in this space is well underway and biometrics are playing a huge role in making this happen. Long queues and scanning passports will become a thing of the past as travel becomes frictionless. The key terms are security and seamless travel – with neither at the expense of the other.

If your business could benefit from improved technology in your corporate travel, talk to Rachel today – E: M: +44 (0)7840058001 or Trish – E: M: +353 (0) 87 3627897

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