Business Travel Can Be Bad For Mental Health – Your Duty Of Care Obligations

Did you know that travelling for work purposes can be bad for your mental health?

It has recently been reported that Corporate Travellers are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than their office based colleagues. The issue can be compounded by lack of exercise, bad diet, disrupted routine, lack of sleep and increased alcohol consumption.

Duty Of Care

Employers have the same duty of care obligations to employees when they are on the road, as when they are at their desk.

This responsibility includes taking all reasonable steps to prevent issues surrounding mental health in the workplace from occurring or worsening.

Some mental health issues will constitute a disability and as such, there is also a legal duty to avoid placing disabled employees in a disadvantaged position.

Improving Mental Health in Business Travel

On a personal level, travellers need to take responsibility for their eating, sleeping and social habits when on the road. The onus is on them to make wise choices around exercise, diet and sleep. However employers should facilitate this, by being mindful when choosing flight times, hotel location and airport transfers.

Business owners also need to consider support in the form of education and training and practically supporting healthy corporate travel as part of their company culture.

Managers could take things one step further and introduce benefits such as workplace health checks, health and wellbeing events and more to assist their team.

We have also put together a list of tips which will help individual travellers prioritise their wellbeing while travelling.

Contact us if you’d like assistance or advice on managing your travel programme, or to book your next trip.

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