After Brexit Will You Need a Visa to Travel to Europe?

One of the most frequent questions we are being asked by business travel clients, is what documentation they’ll need for post-Brexit travel.

Many of our customers are worried that they’ll need different passports, new Visas and to make extra preparations for their business trips.

After Brexit Will You Need a Visa to Travel to Europe?

We can confirm that the EU has recently agreed to allow British citizens to travel throughout the region, without a special Visa.

A proposed new regulation will see Britons being permitted to travel, Visa-free, across Europe for periods of up to 90 days.

The British government has reciprocated and will allow EU citizens short trips to the United Kingdom on the same basis.

The European Commission has stated that there will be no change in the entry arrangements for travelers and that nothing will change during the transition period. Further details to be discussed later in the year. Also Citizens of European Union member states will be able to continue traveling with their identity cards at least until 2021 and those with a bio-metric passport will be able to continue to use the electronic gates for quick entry.

The UK government and the European Commission have stated that flights, ferries and Eurostar will continue to operate between the UK and the EU after 29 March 2019, regardless of broader Brexit negotiations.

If we receive information about future changes impacting on our Business Travelers throughout Europe we will be sure to inform you immediately.

Could This Visa Arrangement Change?

Brexit is a constantly evolving issue and yes, changes could occur in these travel regulations at any time. EU officials state that if Britain imposes Visa requirements for citizens of even one of its states, it will respond quickly by imposing the same conditions on British travelers.

Our expert travel team are constantly monitoring the Brexit situation and will advise clients of any new regulations or requirements before any planned trips.

This is just one of the benefits of working with a Travel Management Company. To book your next trip through us, contact us below.

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